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Insurance Law

Protection that CGL insurance should provide

California business owners have the daily task of balancing the risks and rewards that come with running an operation and keeping it lucrative. What can knock a company off course, however, is when some unforeseen event occurs that creates liability exposure. One invaluable tool that protects a business from financial harm is Commercial General Liability […]

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More information on commercial insurance

For those building a business, there is a lot to think about, and insurance, unfortunately, is the thing some business owners do not think about. However, if something catastrophic should happen, insurance can be the difference between keeping a business afloat or shutting down. This blog has analyzed general liability and commercial property insurance, but […]

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Preventing bad faith insurance from harming business

Businesses in California and elsewhere rely on contracts and the specific terms of these agreements that protect and ensure performance, to guarantee the survival and growth of their operations. When a business takes out an insurance policy, whether it is general liability, commercial property, or other type of insurance to protect it against industry-specific concerns, […]

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