Trial Lawyers Efficiently Working Toward Favorable Results
The trial lawyers at Tropea McMillan, LLP, tap into a varied set of skills to resolve the commercial litigation problems of the firm’s clients. Some of our attorneys are outstanding negotiators who will try to achieve a favorable result without the need to take your case to court. Others are adept with the presentation of complex evidence before a jury or administrative hearing panel. We even have excellent appellate lawyers who can defend or attack a trial result in a state or federal appeal.
Supporting Your Company’s Broad Litigation Goals
At Tropea McMillan, LLP, our civil litigation attorneys regard business or commercial disputes as problems in need of a solution, rather than opportunities to roll up billable hours in the protracted pretrial procedures.
We use our trial experience to support your company’s broad litigation goals and our litigation experience to support your business goals. If we can resolve your commercial problem without the need to file or defend a lawsuit, so much the better.
We advise and represent business litigation clients with the following legal matters:
- Equipment or real estate lease disputes
- Breach of contract claims with customers, vendors or joint venturers
- Business torts such as fraud, material nondisclosure or misrepresentation
- Insurance coverage disputes under commercial general liability or other policies
- Environmental litigation of all kinds
- Toxic tort or product defect litigation
- Prosecution and defense of trade secret misappropriation claims
Our experience with the development and execution of effective litigation strategies in a wide variety of business settings can help ensure that our approach to your dispute will advance your objectives without disrupting your current operations.
Additionally, our familiarity with such alternative dispute resolution techniques as mediation and arbitration can serve your interests in situations calling for a more streamlined process than civil litigation.
We Provide Solutions For Your Legal Disputes
To learn how our versatility in litigation can help resolve your company’s contractual disputes and other problems, call our attorneys at 866-780-4903 or send us an email for additional information about the scope of our business and commercial litigation practice.