Devoted Guidance From Resourceful Lawyers

Product Defect Attorneys in San Diego

Comprehensive Product Defect Defense Services

At At Tropea McMillan, LLP, our attorneys represent manufacturers and businesses in complex product defect litigation, particularly in the chemical and manufacturing industries. If your company needs knowledgeable defense against product liability claims, contact our office for insightful advice and skilled representation.

Our experience with product defect defense allows us to provide effective advocacy against the full range of liability theories: defective design, defective manufacture or construction, labeling mistakes, failure to warn or failure to provide appropriate instruction. At the same time, our familiarity with the demands of complex environmental and toxic tort litigation enables us to engage the technical and regulatory aspects of the case quickly and effectively.

We Know How To Defend Defective Design Or Labeling Claims

For most of our clients, the main objective will be to resolve the product defect claim on the most favorable possible terms at the earliest possible stage of the litigation. While the most emphatic victories depend on a demonstration that our client cannot be held liable to the plaintiff on legal or factual grounds, there are many other ways to achieve a successful result for the defense:

  • Confirm the availability of insurance coverage for both defense costs and indemnification of potential liability
  • Identify another defendant whose responsibility for the injuries or property losses is greater than our client’s
  • If liability is clear, concentrate on minimizing our client’s damages exposure through negotiation or forensic evidence

In California, a product defect complaint alleging chemical contamination of drinking water supplies will usually also include a count under Proposition 65, which covers disclosure, labeling and warning requirements for business operations that generate water contamination risks. Our experience with the defense of Proposition 65 claims can play an important part in your broader defective product defense strategy.

For further information about our law firm’s product defect defense practice, contact us online or by calling (866) 977-8921.