Devoted Guidance From Resourceful Lawyers

San Diego Public Water Systems Lawyer

Problems With Public Water Regulation?

With California’s historic drought problems, the state vigorously defends its public water supply. However, businesses have rights to water usage, and often these two priorities come into conflict. When that sometimes-inevitable conflict happens, companies must turn to a legal team they can count on.

At Tropea McMillan, LLP, we have extensive experience in providing businesses with insight and representation into environmental law. While many of our clients are from the San Diego-Los Angeles Corridor, we work throughout California. What we offer clients is simple: experience and advocacy for their environmental law problems.

Contaminated Drinking Water Defense

While no one sets out to contaminate the water supply, accidents happen. Where you and your business are concerned is with what your liability is in a given situation. There are many ways that water can become contaminated, including:

  • Leaking water pipes drawing contaminants from the environment
  • Contaminated soil leaching harmful substances into groundwater
  • Toxic runoff ends up in the water supply

What you must understand is where you are in the chain of responsibility for given contamination. What we can do for you is to provide the legal background and considerable advocacy for you and your business.

Where Tropea McMillan, LLP, Stands Out

Clients across California rely on us for our effectiveness and thorough attention to detail. Facing a regulatory discipline for groundwater can damage you on multiple levels. You may face:

  • Fines
  • Loss of business licenses
  • Liability in remediation matters
  • Liability in personal injury matters

Our firm provides aggressive defense and total confidentiality. We work hard to take on the issues facing you and provide a thorough, skillful defense of your business and priorities.

Attentive, Experienced Attorneys Ready To Get To Work

Our team understands the stakes that face clients when it comes to issues of water law. We know these are complex matters and that the resolutions are not always clear and easily understandable from the outside.

Contact us to find out how we can assist you in your public water issue by calling (866) 977-8921 or sending an email.