Taking Care Of Dry Cleaners
Dry cleaners are a good business. It is a specialty market, but there’s always demand because – frankly – everyone does laundry. However, dry cleaners face significant regulatory and environmental law concerns. Without skilled legal assistance, your business may face large legal obstacles.
At Tropea McMillan, LLP, we have built a reputation for insight and commitment to businesses across the San Diego-Los Angeles corridor and their needs. We have extensive experience with California’s many environmental laws. We can help protect your business by keeping you compliant with current law and protecting you in court should an issue arise.
Legal Issues Facing Dry Cleaners
The dry-cleaning industry relies on the use of several highly regulated, dangerous chemicals. These chemicals have the potential to cause a considerable environmental risk, so, naturally, the government takes action on things like:
- Spills
- Contamination
- Pollution
- Exposure
Our firm has the experience to help you through the legal matters that come with dry-cleaning-related environmental regulation. We can give you our full attention and help you through the difficulties ahead.
Attentive, Dedicated Attorneys
We work hard for dry cleaners facing environmental regulatory action. We know that running a business is a lot of work, and the stress of litigation is probably the last thing you want to handle. When we take on your case, you get to focus on your business. We get to resolve the legal matters.
We’re Ready To Get To Work
We take immense pride in being diligent, efficient lawyers. We want to hear from you about your legal problems, help you get through them, and help you with all your legal needs. Contact our office in San Diego by calling 866-780-4903 or sending an email.